I have been diagnosed with idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease hyaline vascular since June 2013. I had kidney, liver, bone marrow and heart failure within my first month in the hospital and spent a total of 40 days in the hospital. I have been undergoing tociluzimab (Actemra) infusions since October 2013. I have to continue getting the infusion/treatment every 5 weeks to try and keep my immune system/disease from over activating. With the help of the infusions, luckily, all my organs are back at normal functioning. However, I still have fatigue, insomnia, bone/muscle aches, stomach issues, depression, anxiety, and infections with a weakened immune system. I would love to spend more time with my family and daughter and would love a CURE! I have joined in the fight to help raise funds and awareness for the CDCN. Every donation made goes directly towards furthering research to find a cure for this disease that I am battling. Please consider making a donation today. #TeamBaker #castlemanwarrior